Martha Quest Guide (1-12)

Martha Stewart is here and she's got plenty of fantastic treats to help ring in Spring, including Spring Picnic, Brunch, and Feast Parties, and plenty of awesome new recipes. Check out the guide below to get started! You can also check the Release Notes.
Nice Rewards are: Gamezebo as a crafting building for Spring Items and an Araucana Chicken.
1. Martha
"Meet Martha"
2. It's a Good Thing
3. Spring into Action
4. Take your Picnic
5. Eggcellent Decor
6. How Eggciting!
7. Thanks a Brunch
8. Scrambling Around
9. Cooped Up
10. Egging On
11. Hippity Hoppity
12. Feast Time
Q: Why can't I craft the Egg in quest 5?
A: If you complete the Rocking Chair first, you'll unlock the Egg recipe.
Q: The Go to Crafting button is grayed-out says "Requirements Not Met." Why is this?
A: If you are trying to craft the Spring Picnic, Brunch, or Feast Parties, you will need to complete the current Spring Spirit Bar to unlock each recipe in the Pavilion. Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to fill up the Spring Spirit Bar and unlock each Party.
Q: I earned some costume pieces but I cannot find them. Where'd they go?
A: Whenever you collect the costume pieces from the Pavilion they go in your Consumables Inventory. From there you can click on the "use" button to place the costumes with your other clothes in the Customize Avatar window.

Quest 1
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 2
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 3
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 4
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 5
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 6
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 7
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 8
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 9
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 10
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 11
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Quest 12
Quest tasks

Quest rewards

Martha Stewart is here and she's got plenty of fantastic treats to help ring in Spring, including Spring Picnic, Brunch, and Feast Parties, and plenty of awesome new recipes. Check out the guide below to get started! You can also check the Release Notes.
Each item crafted in the Spring Gazebo will add points to your Spring Spirit Bar (to check TIPS CLICK HERE, to check the Spring Parties Guide CLICK HERE).
1. Martha
"Meet Martha"
- Visit your new Neighbor, Martha
- Perform 5 Actions in Martha's Kingdom
- Rewards: 500 Coins, 10 XP
2. It's a Good Thing
"My Gazebo is the perfect place for you to create all your springtime crafts and enjoy this wonderful weather!"
- Place and build the Spring Gazebo (found under the Buildings section of your Inventory)
- Have 3 Crepe Papers (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft 1 Egg Dye (Craft => Gamexebo. Materials: 3 Food Coloring, 2 Reputation Points and 1 Pail of Water. It takes 1 hr)
- Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP
3. Spring into Action
- Craft 1 Lemonade (Craft =>Gazebo. Materials: 5 Lemons, 5 Pails of Water and 4 Sugar. It takes 1 hr)
- Fill the Spring Spirit Bar (craft items in the Spring Gazebo to fill up the Bar)
- Build/Have a Pavilion (found under the Buildings section of the Market)
- Rewards: 750 Coins, 15 XP
4. Take your Picnic
- Have 10 Eggs (found by feeding adult Chickens)
- Have 4 Pin Boards (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft the Spring Picnic in the Pavilion and place it to start the party!
- Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP
5. Eggcellent Decor
- Craft the Rocking Chair Reward (crafted in the Pavilion)
- Craft the Giant Gilded Egg Party Reward in the Pavilion (unlocked after crafting the Rocking Chair)
- Visit 4 Neighbors
- Rewards: 500 Coins, 10 XP
- Place 5 Spring Decorations
- Have 5 Masked Easter Eggs (crafted in the Pavilion)
- Craft a Friesian Horse Party Prize in the Pavilion (Materials: 25 Dipped Easter Eggs, 25 Marbeleized Easter Egg ,5 Masked Easter Egg, 10 Sugar. It takes 10 seconds. Remember: Masked Easter Eggs can be crafted also in the Pavilion)
Friesian Horse
- Rewards: 750 Coins, 15 XP
7. Thanks a Brunch
- Have 6 Linen (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to unlock the Brunch Party
- Craft the Brunch Party (fill up the Spring Spirit Bar to unlock the Brunch Party)
- Rewards: 750 Coins, 15 XP
8. Scrambling Around
- Craft 2 Quiches (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Have 2 Southwest Scrambles (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP
9. Cooped Up
- Feed 10 Chickens
- Harvest 20 Carrots (Carrots take 1 hour to mature, 30 minutes by max. irrigation)
- Craft the Bunny Pants Prize from the Pavilion (Pants stored in the Consumables Inventory when collected. Once used, they will be stored in the Customize Avatar window for use. Materials: 30 dipped easter eggs, 20 marbelized easter eggs, 3 masked easter eggs)
- Rewards: 500 Coins, 10 XP, 1 Araucana Chicken (found under the Nature section of your Inventory)
10. Egging On
- Have 5 Araucana Eggs (Tend your chicken - reward from the quest 9 and visit Martha to try and obtain Araucana Eggs)
Araucana Chicken
Cost: 5 Crowns
Tend Period: 24 hrs
Chance for dropping Araucana Eggs
- Craft the Bunny Shirt Prize from the Pavilion (Recipe: 20 Dipped Eggs, 30 Marbleized Eggs, 5 Masked Eggs, 2 Decorated Eggs)
- Harvest 15 Wheat (Wheat takes 24 hours to mature, 12 hours with max. irrigation)
- Rewards: 750 Coins, 15 XP
11. Hippity Hoppity
- Have 7 Chocolate Bunny Molds (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
Bunny Molds
- Craft 2 Chocolate Bunnies (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Craft the Bunny Ears Prize from the Pavilion (Bunny Ears stored in the Consumables Inventory when collected. Once used, they will be stored in the Customize Avatar window for use. Recipe: 40 Dipped Eggs, 40 Marbleized Eggs, 8 Masked Eggs, 5 Decorated Eggs)
- Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP
- Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to unlock the Spring Feast (Tip: Ultimate Streusel Cake gives you +8 Spring Spirit and it will help you to complete the Spring Spirit bar quicker - which is the next task)
- Craft the Spring Feast in the Pavilion (complete the current Spring Spirit bar to unlock - craft Ultimate Streusel Cakes) (Recipe: 5 Wood Planks, 8 Orchid Petals, 2 Linen, 5 Araucana Eggs)
- Visit 6 Neighbors
- Rewards: 1000 Coins, 20 XP, 1 Butterfly Bush (stored under the Nature section of your Inventory)
Q: Why can't I craft the Egg in quest 5?
A: If you complete the Rocking Chair first, you'll unlock the Egg recipe.
Q: The Go to Crafting button is grayed-out says "Requirements Not Met." Why is this?
A: If you are trying to craft the Spring Picnic, Brunch, or Feast Parties, you will need to complete the current Spring Spirit Bar to unlock each recipe in the Pavilion. Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to fill up the Spring Spirit Bar and unlock each Party.
Q: I earned some costume pieces but I cannot find them. Where'd they go?
A: Whenever you collect the costume pieces from the Pavilion they go in your Consumables Inventory. From there you can click on the "use" button to place the costumes with your other clothes in the Customize Avatar window.

Quest 1
Quest tasks
- Visit your new Neighbor, Martha
- Perform 5 Actions in Martha's Kingdom

Quest rewards
- 500 Coins
- 10 XP

Quest 2
Quest tasks
- Place and build the Spring Gazebo (found under the Buildings section of your Inventory)
- Have 3 Crepe Papers (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft 1 Egg Dye (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)

Quest rewards
- 1,000 Coins
- 20 XP

Quest 3
Quest tasks
- Craft 1 Lemonade (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Fill the Spring Spirit Bar (craft items in the Spring Gazebo to fill up the Bar)
- Build/Have a Pavilion (found under the Buildings section of the Market)

Quest rewards
- 750 Coins
- 15 XP

Quest 4
Quest tasks
- Have 10 Eggs (found by feeding adult Chickens)
- Have 4 Pin Boards (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft the Spring Picnic in the Pavilion and place it to start the party!

Quest rewards
- 1,000 Coins
- 20 XP

Quest 5
Quest tasks
- Craft the Rocking Chair Reward (crafted in the Pavilion)
- Craft the Giant Gilded Egg Party Reward in the Pavilion (unlocked after crafting the Rocking Chair)
- Visit 4 Neighbors

Quest rewards
- 500 Coins
- 10 XP

Quest 6
Quest tasks
- Place 5 Spring Decorations
- Have 5 Masked Easter Eggs (crafted in the Pavilion)
- Craft a Friesian Horse Party Prize in the Pavilion

Quest rewards
- 750 Coins
- 15 XP

Quest 7
Quest tasks
- Have 6 Linen (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to unlock the Brunch Party
- Craft the Brunch Party (fill up the Spring Spirit Bar to unlock the Brunch Party)

Quest rewards
- 750 Coins
- 15 XP

Quest 8
Quest tasks
- Craft 2 Quiches (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Have 2 Southwest Scrambles (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)

Quest rewards
- 1,000 Coins
- 20 XP

Quest 9
Quest tasks
- Feed 10 Chickens
- Harvest 20 Carrots
- Craft the Bunny Pants Prize from the Pavilion (Pants stored in the Consumables Inventory when collected. Once used, they will be stored in the Customize Avatar window for use)

Quest rewards
- 500 Coins
- 10 XP
- 1 Araucana Chicken (found under the Nature section of your Inventory)

Quest 10
Quest tasks
- Have 5 Araucana Eggs
- Craft the Bunny Shirt Prize from the Pavilion
- Harvest 15 Wheat

Quest rewards
- 750 Coins
- 15 XP

Quest 11
Quest tasks
- Have 7 Chocolate Bunny Molds (found by clicking the Post to Friends button in the quest window or found on the Newsfeed)
- Craft 2 Chocolate Bunnies (crafted in the Spring Gazebo)
- Craft the Bunny Ears Prize from the Pavilion (Bunny Ears stored in the Consumables Inventory when collected. Once used, they will be stored in the Customize Avatar window for use)

Quest rewards
- 1,000 Coins
- 20 XP

Quest 12
Quest tasks
- Craft more items in the Spring Gazebo to unlock the Spring Feast
- Craft the Spring Feast in the Pavilion (complete the current Spring Spirit bar to unlock)
- Visit 6 Neighbors

Quest rewards
- 1,000 Coins
- 20 XP
- 1 Butterfly Bush (stored under the Nature section of your Inventory)
Source: Zynga's Forum
thanks for this!