Castleville Animals Guide
All animals have 3
stages: baby, youth, and adult.
Times between feeds are different for each animal. sometimes in the stage of youth or in the adult stage each animal gives you also a specific item or two, sellable for different values. For growing 10% faster place the animals near a water source (for example, water trough or river).
See below more detailed
- Takes 6 feeds to grow to next growth stage
- 10 minutes of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 2 hours to become adult
- Items dropped: Eggs and chicken meat
- Eggs
sell by 5 coins, and chicken meat by 10
coins, each.
- Takes 8 feeds to grow to next
growth stage
- 30 minutes of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 8 hours to become adult
- Items dropped: Milk and cow hide
- Milk
sells by 5 coins, and cow hide by 10 coins,
- Takes 8 feeds to grow to next
growth stage
- 60 minutes of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 16 hours to become adult
- Items dropped: Wool
- Wool
sells by 5 coins
- Takes 14 feeds to grow to next growth stage
- 3 hours of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 3.5 days to become adult
- Items dropped: Meat
- Takes 8 feeds to grow to next growth stage
- 2 hours of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 32 hours (1 day and 8 hours) to
become adult
- Items dropped: Feathers - red as youth stage and
blue as adult stage
- Red
feathers sell by 5 coins and blue feathers by 40
coins, each.
- Blue Feathers are not required now for recipes and they are not dropping from geese. Though you still can have a drop of a blue feather using the super-chop cutting trees.
- Takes 8 feeds to grow to next growth stage
- 6 hours of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 4 days to become adult
- Items dropped: Down feather
- Down
feather sells by
240 50 coins
changed this selling price)
- Takes 8 feeds to grow to next growth stage
- 9 hours of waiting time between feeds
- Takes at least 6 days to become adult
- Items dropped: Mink Oil
Goose |
- This golden goose is the reward for completing Yvette's quest -
Father's Love.
- You get it already in the adult stage.
- 24 hours of waiting time between feeds
- Items dropped: 100 coins
and a Golden Egg
- Golden
sells by 500 coins