Coming Soon!

Grumpy Work!
18 Missions + 1 Expansion
(the expansion is confirmed by Zynga's Forum)
In this sneak peek there 21 missions. When released this quest will have 18 missions and it will include an expansion. This looks to ba a long quest and time consuming. The last missions are about Swords in the Stone and Griffin Statues (same new items already introduced in the Duke Quest Heraldry - unreleased)!
Check the sneak peek below:
Mission 6. The Adventure of Babine
Mission 7. Superpower Harvesting
Mission 8. Not Bloody but Raised
Mission 9. The Butter and The Cake
Mission 10. Happy and Proud Of It
Mission 11. All that glitters ...
Mission 14. All For Productivity
Mission 15. The Kingdom of Standards
Mission 16. A Beautiful Simplicity
Mission 17. A Complete Pack
Mission 18. Small Friends Meeting

Grumpy Work!
18 Missions + 1 Expansion
(the expansion is confirmed by Zynga's Forum)
In this sneak peek there 21 missions. When released this quest will have 18 missions and it will include an expansion. This looks to ba a long quest and time consuming. The last missions are about Swords in the Stone and Griffin Statues (same new items already introduced in the Duke Quest Heraldry - unreleased)!
Check the sneak peek below:
Be aware that since the missions are still UNRELEASED, both the sequence of tasks and the numbers can be slightly different!
Mission 1. ListMania
- Tax 15 Houses in your Kingdom to show the wealth of your kingdom
- Craft a Gold Brick
- Earn 50,000 coins
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 2. Zero Tolerance Against Gloom
- Have 3 Supper-Clobbers, just in case
- Banish 3 Beasties, to show you are in control
- Have 5 Longbows to protect your kingdom
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 3. Halfway
- Harvest 15 Tomatoes to show the grumpy that you have your own fresh ingredients
- Make a cake with berries for the grumpy
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 4. Reach the Moon
- Craft an Apron for Yvette
- Craft an Iron Axe for Rafael
- Bake 4 Sweet Buns for Alastair, he has a sweet tooth
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 5. The Big Cleaning
- Have 3 Purity Talisman
- Craft 2 Cotton Cloth to make a mop
- Visit 5 Neighbors to let them know about your big cleaning
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 6. The Adventure of Babine
- Have 10 Bass (Fish) to attract the cat
- Visit The Duke
- Chop 5 Trees in The Duke's Kingdom to find the cat and bring it down
- Rewards: 1000 coins, 20 xp
Mission 7. Superpower Harvesting
- Harvest 20 Cabbages to prove the fertility of your kingdom
- Craft 2 Fertilizersto promote growth of your crops
- Feed 20 Animals to keep them healthy
- Rewards: 3250 coins, 65 xp
Mission 8. Not Bloody but Raised
- Craft a Royal Standard to warn enemies
- Own 2 Guard Towers
- Have 4 Longbows to protect your kingdom
- Rewards: 3250 coins, 65 xp
Mission 9. The Butter and The Cake
- Harvest 30 Sugar Cane to make sweets
- Craft 8 Saucy Tartsto bring water to grumpy's mouth
- Have 20 Eggs for baking pastry. Grumpy is crazy for them
- Rewards: 3250 coins, 65 xp
Mission 10. Happy and Proud Of It
- Tend 25 Chickens to cuddle them
- Craft 6 Grindstonesto help Rafael
- Craft 4 Candles for Alastair. He needs it for studying by night.
- Rewards: 3250 coins, 65 xp
Mission 11. All that glitters ...
- Buy a Rock to insert a sword (so you can remove it later)
- Craft a Hammerto get the sword in the stone
- Mine the Rock to be able to insert the bought sword
- Rewards: 3250 coins, 65 xp
Mission 12. Charity
- Sell 100 Items from your inventory
- Earn 150,000 coins to give to charity
- Harvest 40 Tomatoes yourself, give your farm employees a day-off
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 13. Chasing The Gloom
- Have 4 Longbows to protect your kingdom
- Craft 8 Exploration Crystalsto explore the gloom
- Use 50 Energy fighting the beasts to prove your combat value
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 14. All For Productivity
- Collect 50 items from the Mining and Logging Camps
- Craft 30 Flour Sacksto make bread
- Have 20 Wool to prove your sheep are healthy
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 15. The Kingdom of Standards
- Craft a Royal Standard to warn enemies
- Own a Guard Tower
- Tend 50 times on Royal Buildings to check if they are functional
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 16. A Beautiful Simplicity
- Own a 2 Level Storage Cellar
- Store 30 Items
- Have 7 Soaps to clean the new clear spaces
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 17. A Complete Pack
- Own 2 Safes
- Earn 250,000 coins
- Find a Diamond
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 18. Small Friends Meeting
- Have 5 longbows
- Collect 5 Wool Threads
- Tend 30 times your Tailor shop
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
Mission 19. A New Outfit for The Duke
- Craft 5 Leather Pants
- Craft 5 Steel Swords
- Banish 8 Beasties, in your neighbors kingdoms
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
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