Alastair Quest Line

The Abandoned Dragon Cave (1-9)
Available Level 13 or Above
Let's explore the Gloom (Mission 2 and mission 5) and to get inside of the Dragon Cave. The key here is the Mythium Element and Alastair knowledge. There will be several items and animals stuck by the Mythium and you will need to set them free (similar to the Purity Talisman in the Gloom Swamp).
CLICK HERE to check Dragon Cave Treasures Guide.
2. Northward Bound
3. Rifting Scepters
4. How Convenient
5. Into the Gloom
6. Bump in the Road
7. Shrouded in Mystery
8. Into the Depths
9. Riches Galore

The Abandoned Dragon Cave (1-9)
Available Level 13 or Above
Let's explore the Gloom (Mission 2 and mission 5) and to get inside of the Dragon Cave. The key here is the Mythium Element and Alastair knowledge. There will be several items and animals stuck by the Mythium and you will need to set them free (similar to the Purity Talisman in the Gloom Swamp).
CLICK HERE to check Dragon Cave Treasures Guide.
1. Sense and Sensibility
- Feed 2 Animals (in your kingdom or in a neighbor kingdom)
- Tend 1 Flower to see if something may be hiding amongst them (in your kingdom or in a neighbor kingdom)
- Have 3 Stones to help Alastair (Mine rocks or collect from Mining Camps)
- Rewards: 1000 coins, 20 xp
2. Northward Bound
- Explore the area North of your kingdom in search of the Dragon Cave (Explore the Gloom Requirements: 4 Exploration Crystals, 2500 Coins, 180 Castle Points)
- Go Fishing 2 times to get water for your journey (Click on Ponds or Winter Basins)
- Tax 2 Houses to help pay for the increase kingdom infrastructure expansion demands
- Rewards: 1000 coins, 20 xp
3. Rifting Scepters
- Craft 1 Rifting Scepter (Craft > Studio. Materials: 4 Amber, 1 Dragon Tooth, 2 Coals, 5 Beeswax - Beeswax drop from tending flowers. Takes 1 hr.)
Keep Crafting and Asking Friends for these Items.
You will need bunches of them.
Dragon Tooth is Wall Post, others are individual request to friends.
- Get 3 Jeweled Goblets to distract Gloom Dragons, in case one shows up
- Remove 1 Amythite Rock to clear the path (Tip: Choose a small one, if possible)
Jeweled Goblet
(Ask Friends)
Choose a SMALL Amythite Rock
(Only 1 Rifting Scepter required)
- Rewards: 1500 coins, 30 xp
4. How Convenient
- Move the Faugrimm's Scepter Parts Machine (image on the right) to new location to work on repairing it (Use the Design Mode)
Faugrimm's Scepter Parts Machine
- Visit 1 Neighbors to tell them of your discovery
- Have 3 Iron Bars to start on fixing up the Faugrimm's Scepter Parts Machine (Craft > Workshop. Materials: 3 Wood Logs, 2 Iron Ore. Takes 9 hrs.)
- Rewards: 1500 coins, 30 xp
5. Into the Gloom
- Craft 4 Rifting Scepters to collect more Mythium (Craft > Studio. Materials: 4 Amber, 1 Dragon Tooth, 2 Coals, 5 Beeswax - Beeswax drop from tending flowers. Takes 1 hr. - see recipe above - 3)
- Explore the area with the Dragon Cave to reveal its secrets (Explore the Gloom Requirements: 10 Exploration Crystals, 5000 Coins, 250 Castle Points)
- Have 5 Wheelbarrows ready to haul away Dragon Cave treasures
(Ask Friends)
- Rewards: 1500 coins, 30 xp, Gold Dragon Statue
- Clear 4 Amythite Rocks from the mouth of the Dragon Cave (Choose Small Amythite Rocks that only requires 1 Rifting Scepter, Medium-2 and Large-3)
- Remove 3 Amythite Trees to clear the Cave's Entrance (requires 1 Rifting Scepter)
- Craft 3 Hammers, to help smash anything else in your way (Craft in the Workshop. Materials: 2 Wood Logs, 2 Stone Blocks, 3 Reputation Hearts. Takes 2 hrs)
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
7. Shrouded in Mystery
- Click the Dragon Cave to search it
- Collect 5 Mythium to continue to explore the Dragon Cave (Extract Mythium from Mythite Rocks using Rifting Scepters)
- Explore the Dragon Cave 2 times to reveal hidden treasures (open one of the 9 treasures chests)
Treasure Chest
- Rewards: 1500 coins, 30 xp
8. Into the Depths
- Further search the Dragon Cave 4 times to see what riches lie within.
- Craft 4 Candles to light the construction area (Craft > Studio. Materials: 3 Wool Thread, 8 Beeswax, 5 Reputation Hearts. Takes 2 hrs)
- Finish fixing up Faugrimm's Scepter Parts Machine (Materials: 4 Iron Bars, 2 anvils, 8 Chisels - Ask friends, 5 Gyroscope - Ask Friends. See the image below)
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp
9. Riches Galore
- Use the Faugrimm's Scepter Parts Machine 2 times to find Rifting Scepter parts
- Find 2 Decorations in the Dragon Cave
- Rescue 2 Animals from the depths of the Dragon Cave
- Rewards: 1750 coins, 35 xp, Dragon Treasure Chest
I'm clicking on the Dragon Cave but can't enter, why not? To enter the Cave you'll need to first clear out the Amythite Rocks that block the entrance.
Can I move the Dragon Cave? Yes! Once you have completed the quest line.
How many times can I search the Dragon Cave? As many times as you like 

How do I get Mythium if I run out of Amythite Rocks? You can purchase rocks from the Market, or by summoning and banishing Gloom Dragons
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